Services & Solutions


Working Across Cultures

Target Audience:

All employees

Length Options:

3 hours

Delivery Options:

Live or customized blended learning

This is a highly interactive and entertaining workshop that reveals the root cause of cultural differences and interpretations. The course helps participants build self-awareness and understanding of others, from their own and others’ cultural perspectives. Participants learn how to use and sometimes remove their cultural lenses and see the world and their colleagues from a more objective and empathetic viewpoint. In doing so, they build enhanced teamwork and sensitivity skills, leading to improved interpersonal communications and conflict resolution skills, and a smoother, more productive workflow.

Some of the topics include:

  • Culture, cultural baggage and cultural filters
  • Visible and invisible culture
  • Perception and values
  • Direct vs. indirect communication
  • Living to work and working to live
  • Developing cultural sensitivity
  • The keys to success (self-awareness, flexibility, respect )

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